Diamond Color
❁ The traditional symbolism of the black diamond is passion, action, and energy, whereas the modern meaning of the diamond is power, creativity, and purity. A white diamond, on the other hand, represents holiness and cleanliness.
❁ Diamonds are available in a variety of colors like White, Yellow, Blue, Steel Gray, Orange, Red, Green, and Black.
❁ The colored diamonds contain interstitial impurities or structural defects that cause the coloration; pure diamonds are perfectly transparent and colorless.
❁ Measured on a scale from D - E - F (colorless) to X-Y-Z (light yellow), this diamond color chart will help you choose the perfect diamond for you. Bear in mind that a colorless diamond will be a sparkler diamond.
❁ If you like your diamond as a forever one, then choose a diamond color in the range of D-F, which will be colorless.
❁ If you are concerned about your budget, you can choose a G-I range color diamond, the yellow tone will be hardly noticeable.